Our Courses
Swimming Courses Sheffield – for children aged 3 years upwards.
Come and Join the Water Merlins Journey Transforming your child into a water confident and competent swimmer. Learn in our fun, enthusiastic and educational environment with our qualified staff.
Swimming Courses Sheffield – Expand your swimming portfolio collecting awards from Ducklings and the Learn to swim stages. If you complete all the awards you don’t need to leave us if you want to continue swimming join our Junior Swimfit sessions on a Monday evening.
Our swimming lessons are based upon a framework called the National Plan for Teaching Swimming (NPTS) produced by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA), who are the National Governing Body for Swimming. It will enable your child to progress and become competent, confident and safe in water.
This framework encourages swimming lessons to be delivered in a FUN environment to aid learning and understanding. There will be an emphasis on fun and games within your child’s swimming lesson; the use of games and fun activities to deliver learning outcomes is proven to be the most effective way for children to learn and all activities will have a purpose behind them to aid your child’s progression.
There is more information about the ASA National Plan for Teaching Swimming (NPTS) on the ASA website www.britishswimming.org and through Parent resources produced by the ASA.
Your child’s ‘journey through aquatics’ will be enhanced with the NPTS programme as there will be progressive stepping stones along the way and more opportunities later on to take part in more variety of aquatic based activities and sports.